2. Barry Bonds- You knew he was going to be on the list of the ten athletes who have used steroids. Along with using steroids, he has lied about doing them and faces perjury charges. The news on him broke in 2007, as he used "The Cream".
3. Jason Giambi- Giambi is probably the most comedic of the ten athletes who have used steroids. He says he only used it to heal. Yea, sure Giambi, we believe you used it every week to
4. Lenny Dykstra- "Nails" used steroids. That is just one of his many issues though. Ever since he retired, this multiple world champion has been busted of using steroids, been sued numerous times, filed for bankruptcy, and lost his entire fortune. Karma was not nice to him.
5. Andy Pettite- He did not even deny it. He was guilty of being one of the most well known famous athletes who have used steroids and he knew it. This future Hall Of Fame player was simply guilty and with all the evidence against him, it was useless to deny.
6. Mo Vaughn- You did not think he disappeared for sports by coincidence, did you? Nope, he disappeared because the side effects of steroids were slowly ruining his body and eventually he could barely function on the diamond.
7. Miguel Tejeda- Oh man is Miguel guilty. First he used steroids to break into Major League Baseball, then he lied about his age so people might think he was some hot shot prospect. Unfortunately karma has not caught onto him yet but it will, because it does with every famous athlete who has used steroids.
9. Rafael Palmeiro- Rafael did not even wait for the Mitchell Report to be released before he came clean. Does that mean his conscience caught up to him? No, it means he ran out of money. He wrote a book admitting he used steroids and named many famous athletes with him in a pathetic attempt to make a buck off of his situation.
10. A-Rod- The face of baseball and the man expected to break Barry Bonds single season home run record is as guilty as the rest. First he denies it then he plays it up as a sob story. All of America is waiting for Karma to hit him hard, as it should
Article from http://www.mademan.com/mm/10-famous-athletes-have-used-steroids.html
never would have expected some of these guys to do that....
ReplyDeleteWow, they really wanted to get stronger
ReplyDeleteThese aren't American Football players...they're baseball players.
ReplyDeleteSad, the day baseball died. Don't forget Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire, and so on. Baseball has never been the same for me.
ReplyDeleteEh, steroids take away much more than you'll ever gain from them. Not to mention how expensive they are, and how much discipline you have to get to even begin going somewhere with it. I prefer plain old weightlifting.
ReplyDeleteI dont even need to look at them
ReplyDeletesurprising that they all took steroids :-O
ReplyDeleteHow anyone can think they don't take something is beyond me
ReplyDeleteI guess steroids equals success right?
ReplyDeleteI sure hope you had the "Expresses Written Consent" form the MLB and its affiliates to use these images :)
ReplyDeleteWow I really didn't know all that thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteimages are generally available on the Internet.
ReplyDeleteTsk..tsk...thats too bad! What a waste
ReplyDeleteAs for "world's" most famous steroid users... no one outside of America would know these people. O.O
ReplyDeletenice blog dude :) follow +1 keep it up ;)
ReplyDeleteThat's one of the reasons why Baseball's gay.
ReplyDeleteSteroids are usually used amongst athletes as a performance enhancer to continue to compete at elite level although this is neither normal nor ethical, it still happens.
ReplyDeleteOrder Steroids Canada Online
I'm guessing this is written by a young kid. Google owes me 5 minutes of my life back